Propostes, reflexions i possibilitat de treball. English, Catalan, Español, Informàtica
dissabte, 20 de desembre del 2008
diumenge, 14 de desembre del 2008
dissabte, 13 de desembre del 2008
December 2008
dilluns, 10 de novembre del 2008
dissabte, 28 de juny del 2008
I live on the edge on Gavà and Viladecans both have beaches...
About Viladecans beaches
It's a natural beach next very close to ecological ecosystems, and it keeps the dune area in its natural state it is almost a virginal place, with no houses or buildings due to the airport neighbourhood.
While about Gavà:
Gavà beach, some 3,551 m long and covering an area of 200,704 m2, not only provides visitors with perfect sand and sea, but also all the facilities and services necessary for the ideal holiday.
And here there all kind of place to stay, eat, drink....
dijous, 19 de juny del 2008
La posibilitat de poder fer comentaris
El fet de recollir activitats fetes pels alumnes
La proposta d'activitat que es fa.
Es demana com a millorar que hi hagi informació sobre el propi bloc
dimarts, 17 de juny del 2008
In the first place I mean that has been a beautiful experience to be able to share opinions with you and lastly that you have some good holidays and we see each other in september.
A greeting to all!
dilluns, 16 de juny del 2008
Hey everyone, the school classes are finally over. We are going to get our grades this Thursday and I heard that there will be a party, though I'm not sure.
I'm writing the last post just to say goodbye. I enjoyed reading your post and learning from your culture, traditions, food and places a lot.
I hope you liked my posts too. I wrote about many different things. I also enjoyed discussing with you.
It has been fun, take care. I'm glad we met.
By the way, good look against Croatia. I hope Poland gets into quarter finals.
diumenge, 15 de juny del 2008
Expo Zaragoza 2008

A new water festival
The International Exposition site is located within the Ranillas Meander, to the west of the city of Zaragoza, surrounded by the banks of the River Ebro....
You can read more at the e-zine... a trip from Barcelona
or visit the web, you can clic on the logo or from HERE
divendres, 13 de juny del 2008
See you soon
We can posted several recipes in our magazine and posted several new post in our blog. We are looking forward you posts.
I would like to ask you two things:
1. why are there so many Polish surnames ending with ki?
2. What's the meaning of that l (letter L) with a strip on it? some kind of stress? a new letter? a different kind of l?
My students may keep in touch using the blogs next weeks.
Thank you and see you soon... We enjoy chatting with you.
Mr Rius
dijous, 12 de juny del 2008
Recipes on the e-zine
- 400g Salmon.
- 500g of vegetables ( Carrots , Zucchini , Green peppers).
- 3 Large spoonfuls of olive oil.
- 15g Basil.
- 10g Parsley.
- 2 Garlic cloves.
Length 10/15 minutes ready to eat.
Diet habits
Two adults and 2 children
Vegetables | cereals | proteins | other |
8/10 pieces of tomato 1 piece of eggplant 1 piece of zucchini 2 pieces small onions 3 pieces of carrot 1 red sweet pepper 1 green pepper 1 bag 500g frozen broccoli 1 head of garlic 500g of green beans 2 pieces of lettuce 5 pieces of apple 6 pieces of banana 5 pieces of peaches 1 big natural pieapple 1kg of seasonal fruit (cherries, strawberries, apricots, melon, water melon...) | 5 Kg of potatoes 1 Kg of rice 1 Kg of macaroni 6 packets of biscuits 750g 500g chocolate cereal (breakfast) 1 packet of chocolate biscuits 500g 5 whole wheat baguettes (bread) . 1 package bread (in slices for toasts) 750g | 500g of chicken breast 500g of Turkey burgers 500g of pork tenderloin 1kg of beef 1 bag of frozen salmon 750g. 2 bags of frozen hake 500g 2 slices of fresh tuna 2 slices of fresh mere 8 eggs 250 g of ham 200g cured ham | 7 liters of milk 1/2 liter of oil 1 sugar 250g some sweetener 1 cocoa 200g 1 packte of coffee 2. bottles 8l. mineral water 4 cans of beer 2 liters of orange juice 1 bottle of wine 18 flavour yogurts 250g light cheese blueberry light jam 200g of Margarine/ or butter some Ketchup some Mustard some Mayonaise 2 cans of fried tomato |
dilluns, 9 de juny del 2008
The flight Barcelona ( Spain ) - Sofia ( Bulgaria ) with a stop at Paris ( France ) . First when making the scale in Paris the air plane had already left and I had to wait 3 hours in the airport of Paris for a new plane, when it left I had to make another stop in Prague ( Czec Rep ) and from Prague to Sofia. I Arrived at 23H 55 min. when I should have had to arrived at 19H o ´clock more or less and to make matters worse the baggage stayed back in Prague.
My favourite Recipe
Hem estat treballant es classes sobre les receptes en anglès. Els d'informàtica han fet noves propostes. Si us sembla usem aquest bloc com a plataforma base.
Molt bones les reflexions en les enquestes de les receptes. Ha guanyat sense rival la PAST, incedeible! entre els joves sí l'hagués dit però....
dilluns, 2 de juny del 2008
My favourite place
divendres, 30 de maig del 2008
Last long weekend
Central Park
dijous, 29 de maig del 2008
The favourist place
diumenge, 25 de maig del 2008
Long weekend
dimarts, 20 de maig del 2008
Last weekend, I went with my family and some friends to my appartment in Arenys de Mar a little village near Barcelona in the Maresme Coast. We could enjoy the sun in the beach but the see was still cold for a swimming. However my daughter wanted to check that, and she enjoyed her first swim this year. Saturday I went to work with my husband because it is the day that I need more sell assistants and staff to sell. We came back in the evening and we finished my short holidays .
dimecres, 7 de maig del 2008
A trip to Mallorca
And there's a new forum open to all your comments.
divendres, 25 d’abril del 2008
dijous, 24 d’abril del 2008
Sant Jordi's Day
Antonia Díaz
23rd of April, it is a holiday day. All people must work but, when they finish to work, they can go to walk for the street. The bookshops sell books in the streets. The girls buy books for their boyfriends. The boys give a rose to their girlfriend., there are people is selling roses in all streets, too.
Ana Romera
Sant Jordi's Day
dimarts, 22 d’abril del 2008
Saint George Day
click to view an animation
La Diada de Sant Jordi, also known as el dia de la rosa (The Day of the Rose) or el dia
divendres, 18 d’abril del 2008
BIalystok City Festival
The Long May Weekend
3rd May in Poland is quite important national and religious festival: on this day in 1791 was codified Polish constitution, which is recognised as first in Europe and world's second (after USA) .
May Weekend is commonly considered as a beginnig of a grilling season and last such as long break before holidays.
Something else about Supraśl
our restaturants
dijous, 17 d’abril del 2008
Trip to Valencia
Last week I went on holidays with my husband to see the Museum of the Arts and the Sciences in Valencia. We wanted to see the building of the famous Valencian architector Santiago Calatrava. I was impressed by the building. We also visited the Oceanographic from the same architector and the dolphinarium which was wonderful.
We went to Valencia by bus from Peniscola. Our hotel was in Peniscola . It is 135 kilometres form Valencia . Peniscola is near Benicarlo . The beach boulevard is 9 kilometres long.
We went to Peniscola on the 4th it was 3 hours by bus. The hotel was wonderful, a 5 star hotel. There were 3 dancing rooms, an Italian restaurant, a garden restaurant, 3 swimming pools, one is a heated one, a spa centre, with hamman and sauna, a mini golf, piano bar…..
dimarts, 15 d’abril del 2008
Travel guides
I suggest you to check the facts and write any comments about your own place and things that you think they are wrong. You can also ask more questions to your partners.
Just click on the links
Good luck
dilluns, 14 d’abril del 2008

Ski it's quite popular, even if it's an expensive sport. There are several ski resorts near Barcelona, between 90 to 360 minutes by car.
The first tele-ski was set up in La Molina 80 years ago. You can go to la Molina resort by train from Barcelona, it's the line between Barcelona and Puigcerdà.
The photo is from the twenties.
diumenge, 13 d’abril del 2008

Królowy Most- village In Poland located on the Płoska river in podlaskie voivodeship, in Białystok county, in Gródek commune approximately 25 km near Białystok. On 1975-1998 years .
On 1975-1998 town belonged administratively for Białystok administratively.
The village Has a summer charakter. Earlier it was called Annopol, later Janapol- this name is connected with Jan III Sobieski- Polish king.
Across Królowy Most leeds tourist routes: the Wzgórze Świętojańskie route and Napoleoński route..
Near village were many wars In 1807, 1831, 1863.
In the village and its the nearest neighbourhood made film U Pana Boga za piecem and “U Pana Boga w ogródku”.
Historical monuments
Chapel of Saint Anna from 1840 year
An orthodox church of Saint Anna from 1904-1928 in Byzantine style on a Greek cross plan, with three towers over the peaks. Inside we can see beautiful altar.
divendres, 11 d’abril del 2008
Games I like to play
The game consists on two factions that are on war, ones fighting for freedom and the others for the world domination.
It mixes the first person shooting with real-time strategy. There is a commander that leads their team, drops structures over the map like turrets or refineries, creates vehicles, gives enemy targets... etc. And the rest of the team fights on foot or using vehicles. It's a good game. If you own a copy of Half-Life 2 download this modification, it's free.
Białowieża Forest

The surface of whole forest crosses 150 tys. of h (from what in borders of Poland 62 tys. of h).
The fragments of forests about primitive character in Białowieskiej Forest kept only on European depression. Grądowe forests predominate in her (40%-47%) and mixed forests (33%). They create stand common spruce mainly (26%), ordinary pine (24%), black olsza (17%), szypułkowy oak (12%) as well as birch: verruculous and omszona (11%). They step out also: overbearing ash, lime - tree drobnolistna, ordinary clon and ordinary hornbeam. Deciduous trees step out in forest as congeneric stands, with rule seldom they create forest mixed. they create as congeneric stands, with rule forest forest mixed.

Mammals are the best recognized group faunas. Aurochs is the "Visiting-card" of forest; his free herd crosses 300 arts. Such mammals step out there also, as: wolf, lynx, otter, badger, bats and rodents.
She the forest from surrounding terrains became together with in 1986 recognized for the Area of Protected Scenery about surface 860 km ^(2). The different forms of protection were hugged over 50% surface. It exists 20 reserves of nature about surface of 3208 h, 2 the animals' mainstays protected, 94 protective zones of the black stork's nests and the noisy orlika. It to national register of programme of protection genetic pool was written 401 trees. It over 1100 trees was recognise for monuments of nature.
dimecres, 9 d’abril del 2008
Sobre el bloc. Enquesta
En l'enquesta sobre els intercanvis fets amb els socis de Polònia s'ha valorat molt positivament la possibilitat d'intercanviar informació sobre els llocs d'interès, sobre els costums.
Respecte a l'ús del bloc.
Es valora com a molt fàcil de fer consultaes
Molt fàcil fer aportacions de manera no virtual
Es demana que augmentin el nombre d'etiquetes
dissabte, 5 d’abril del 2008

This is now the Cathedral. This beautiful neogothic church was built at the beginning of XX century by project of Jozef Pius Dziekonski. This church is very beautiful inside. There are too great stained glass windows. I think that the history of St. Fara Church is very interesting. In 19th century Poland was annexed by Prussia, Russia and Austria. Bialystok belonged to Russians. Polish people couldn`t build anything without Russians` permission... In 1899, after 39 year waiting period, city dwellers received a permit to build a little annexe to an old church in Bialystok...Later it turned out that this tiny annexe is many times as big as the main church. It is a "solid comment" on persecution that took place in Poland in 19th century... The "red" church this is annexe, the "white".... this is the main church. Now the church is the Cathedrale.
Magdalena Bartnicka, Nela Martonik
Narwiański Park Narodowy

You can get to Supraśl by bus from Białystok
dimecres, 2 d’abril del 2008
fitxers del curs
Els fitxers del curs
En el moodle per una major i millor organització, cada curs té assignada una carpeta, un directori, on desar tots els fitxers relacionats. Aneu al curs del qual sou professors. Per accedir a aquesta carpeta només cal anar al bloc d’Administració i clicar sobre Fitxers:
Això us mostrarà quins fitxers hi ha al curs. Lògicament, un curs acabat de crear està completament buit, a la imatge següent teniu el del curs en el que esteu ara.
Carpetes que moodle pot crear dins de fitxers:
- Carpeta backupdata. Quan es fa una còpia de seguretat manual d’un curs també es desa a la carpeta backupdata, de manera que el seu contingut són còpies de seguretat de diferent tipus (amb usuaris, sense usuaris, completes, parcials, etc.) i de diferents dates.El contingut de la carpeta backupdata no és accessible als estudiants, només hi pot accedir el professorat.
- Carpeta moodata: Si heu afegit al curs alguna activitat que admet fitxers adjunts (un fòrum, una tasca amb enviament de fitxers, etc.) Moodle crearà automàticament una carpeta moddata. Dins d’aquesta carpeta moddata Moodle crea subcarpetes per a cada activitat, i, al seu interior, en crea de noves per desar-hi ordenadament els fitxers adjunts.
Com crear un directori
El recurs Visualitza un directori crearà una “finestra” que portarà directament al directori corresponent dels fitxers del curs de manera que se’n vegi el contingut.
- El primer pas és crear aquest directori.
- Per crear un directori cal anar al bloc d’Administració del curs i clicar Fitxers.
- Toqueu el botó Crea una carpeta.
- Això obre una pàgina que us informa on es crearà la carpeta i us demana que li doneu un nom, "documents" per l’exemple o el nom que volgueu. En acabar, premeu el botó Crea.
Podeu descarregar aquest vídeo fet amb wink per veure com es fan aquests passos
Ara ja teniu la carpeta creada i la podeu veure, ordenada pel nom, entre les altres carpetes del curs.
- Feu clic sobre el seu nom per entrar-hi.
Ara el que convé és pujar-hi els fitxers, perquè de moment està buida.
- Per això premeu el botó Penja un fitxer.
Veureu que apareix el formulari per pujar els fitxers,
- cliqueu el botó Navega per buscar els fitxers desitjats a l’ordinador.
- Quan el tingueu, seleccioneu-lo amb un clic i premeu el botó Obre: això farà que aparegui la ruta a la finestreta del formulari:
- Si premeu el botó Penja aquest fitxer el pujareu a l’interior de la carpeta. Un cop és al servidor, ja el podeu visualitzar:
Podeu descarregar aquest vídeo fet amb wink per veure com es fan aquests passos
Si heu de pujar pocs fitxers, podeu repetir aquests passos les vegades que calgui, però si són molts és millor pujar un arxiu comprimit zip i descomprimir-lo a dins del moodle. També heu de tenir present el limit de grandària (8Mbytes). Si heu de pujar fitxers que excedeixen la mida permesa, poseu-vos en contacte amb l’administrador del vostre Moodle, que els pujarà directament per FTP.
Quan pugeu un arxiu zip observareu que a la dreta del seu nom apareixen diferents opcions: Unzip (descomprimeix), Llista (el contingut), Restaura (útil només pel cas de les còpies de seguretat) i Canvia el nom. Cliqueu Unzip per descomprimir-lo.
Creació d’un recurs Visualitza un directori
- Situe-vos a la pàgina principal del vostre curs.
- Activeu l’edició del curs prement el botó Activa l’edició que trobareu a la part superior dreta o, també, des del bloc Administració.
- Escolliu el punt on voleu inserir el recurs, bé a la setmana o tema corresponent.
- Aneu al menú Afegeix un recurs i desplegueu-lo.
- Trieu l’opció Visualitza un directori
- Aquesta acció fa que s’obri la pàgina d’edició del recurs.
- Escriviu el Nom del recurs, que serà el que apareixerà en el curs i que pot ser el mateix que el del directori o qualsevol altre nom,
- Podeu escriure un petit Resum
- Escolliu del desplegable Visualitza un directori quin és el directori del qual voleu que es visualitzin el fitxers, "documents" en l’exemple o el que hagiu triat
- Decidiu, si el voleu mostrar ara mateix o deixar-lo ara ocult i fer-lo visible més endavant a través de les opcions Mostra o Oculta del desplegable Visible.
Podeu descarregar aquest vídeo fet amb wink per veure com es fan aquests passos
Premeu el botó Desa el canvis per fer-los permanents.Veureu que se us obrirà el recurs amb la llista de fitxers, tal com el veuran els estudiants. L'estudiant només caldrà que faci clic sobre el nom de cada fitxer perquè el navegador el descarregui i us demani què en voleu fer, obrir-lo amb el programa corresponent o desar-lo al disc.
Si torneu al curs, veureu que el recurs directori queda identificat amb la icona d’una carpeta.
divendres, 28 de març del 2008

Branicki Palace in Bialystok,the"Versailles of Podlachia"was built for Count Jan Klemens Branicki. Great Crown Hetman and patron of art and science, raised in French milieu of the Polish aristocracy who transformed a previous house into the suitably magnificent residence of a great Polish noble a rival to Wilanow, making start in 1726. he also laid out the central part of the town of Bialystok, not a large place in the 18th century,whit its triangular market. Branicki Palace was destroyed by the Nazis.The poles rebuilt it after World War II as a matter of national pride. The Medical University is housed in the Palace.
dijous, 27 de març del 2008
Tramvia Blau
Course: John F. Kennedy square to Doctor Andreu square, the Tibidabo avenue ( line 194 ).
Current status : Running tourist. Only
Hours: Monday Friday 7:45h pm to 21:00h every 20 minutes.
Saturdays and holidays: 10:00h pm to 18:20h every 30 minutes.
Montjuic cable car
A halfway stop provides access to the viewing area know as the” Mirador de l’Alcalde”, and an attractive landscape terrace. Last year the cable car has been improve with more box.
The price isn’t cheep . Into de box is possible to see landscape from Barcelona and the sea .
Tibidabo train

Rosca de Pacua
dimecres, 26 de març del 2008

The Biebrza National Park is lokated in Northeast Poland, in the Podlasie Voivodship. The northeastern boundary of the parkis near the Belarus border. The Narew river and its confluents whit the Biebrza River from thesouthern boundary. The park was established in 1993 and whit a total area of 59 233 ha,it is the largest of the Polish national park. The Park includes 15 547 ha of forest,18 182 ha of agricultural land and 25 494 ha of wetland-the most valuable habitats of the park-the famous Biebrza marshes. The area of 3936 ha is under strict protection ha including the Czerwone Bagno Red Bog at the Grzędy Forest District. Unique in Europe for its marshes and peat-bog, as well asits highly diversified fauna, especiallybirds-the Park was designated as a wetland siteof global significance and is under the protection of the Ramsar Convention.
La Mona

Catalonia and Valencia and it symbolizes the Eastern Week's ending. It's only eaten on "Eastern Monday". Commonly, godfathers use to give these cakes to their godchildren as a gift.
At the beggining it was just a cake with hard boiled eggs on it decorated with feathers. But soon chocolate eggs took over the normal ones. These chocolate eggs cakes were the first "monas".
The recipe was taken from the moors that lived in Spain. They used to bake a cake called "munna" as a gift for

This is a monkey. Monkeys are awesome.
If you ever visit Catalonia or Valencia on the "Eastern Week" don't forget to taste one of these delicious cakes.
diumenge, 23 de març del 2008
It is a ski resort where everyone can ski , specially for beginners or those who start to ski for the first time , this station is located in Northern Catalonia in France about 40 kilometres from the border, it's about 3 hours from Barcelona by car. It's quite beautiful , as station and the views that has and the contact with nature, you can practice cross-country ski and alpine style, there are restaurants and rest areas to eat .... it is a very recommended place to go with the family.

The week before Easter is very special in the Christian tradition. The Sunday before Easter is Palm Sunday and the last three days before Easter are Maundy Thursday or Holy Thursday, Good Friday and Holy Saturday (sometimes referred to as Silent Saturday). Palm Sunday, Maundy Thursday and Good Friday respectively commemorate Jesus' entry in
